Aiming for the highest customer satisfaction in the industry
OmaSp is a solvent and profitable Finnish bank. OmaSp's business focuses mainly on retail banking and offers its customers a wide range of banking services both through its own balance sheet and through the products of its partners. The products range include credit, investment and loan security products. The bank also operates in mortgage banking.
At core of the bank's competitive strategy is differentiation through customer experience and service. Our strategic goal is the highest customer satisfaction and recommendation rate in the banking industry among our most important customer groups, i.e. retail customers, SMEs and agricultural and forestry customers.
The bank’s aim is to strengthen its market position in its respective area and among all the above-mentioned customer groups. Growth is sought in the business areas where it is possible to implement it at any given time, meeting the objectives related to profitability and risk management. Oma Savings Bank has been one of the most profitable and effective banks in Finland already for years, and the aim is to maintain this position in the future as well. The development of business volumes is based on organic growth, but reorganisations are also possible in the future.
The company’s personnel is committed and the bank seeks to support their career development with versatile tasks and continuous development. A substantial part of the personnel also own shares in the company.
Fostering excellent customer experience
OmaSp strives to be a bank of satisfied customers that is local and close to its customers and offers the best service locally. As a bank, OmaSp is also a reliable banking partner for its customers, managing its customers’ and its own financial affairs diligently, persistently and reliably.

We strive for a first-class customer service experience
- focusing on key banking services developed according to customers' needs and providing them with added value
- by knowing our customers well and responding quickly to changing customer needs
- being easily accessible through advanced digital service channels and an extensive branch network

We are looking for profitable growth
OmaSp believes that excellent customer service will accelerate growth. In line with our strategy, instead of price competition, we focus on excellent customer service and good and fast accessibility of services by operating local and close in our digital and physical service channels. High customer satisfaction and referral rates improve additional sales of services, customer loyalty and reduce customer turnover.

In line with our strategy
- We create value for our customers with professional service in the long run.
- Our entire organization participates in new customer acquisition by proactively highlighting the benefits of good and competent customer service.
- We only aim for growth when it can be implemented profitably and without taking excessive risks.
- We implement our growth strategy by taking care of the profitability of customer relationships, efficient operations, keeping refinancing costs low, effective risk management and high solvency and solvency.
- An efficient and low administrative organization keeps administrative costs low.
OmaSp's strategy also includes strong investments in the digital channels: services are automated to reduce costs without compromising the customer service experience.
Active risk management
OmaSp has historically focused and will continue to focus on providing secured loans to financially healthy customers. We define an internal credit rating for each customer, which must be at least B for private customers and A for corporate customers. The bank's lending is always based on the customer's stable solvency and good creditworthiness. By focusing on private customers, as well as small and medium-sized corporate customers, we are able to keep the risk concentrations related to individual customers small.
Keeping OmaSp’s risks low
- Operating in stable areas of the retail banking market in Finland
- Keeping customer and investment risk concentrations low
- Keeping the organizational structure simple and transparent
- Managing credit risks by pursuing a strict credit policy and focusing on secured loans in lending
- By diversifying customer base and business geographically
- Systematic risk management processes, monitoring and control
- Managing solvency
- Maintaining high liquidity
Oma Säästöpankki Oyj and in English Oma Savings Bank (OmaSp) focuses primarily on retail banking operations and provides its clients with a broad range of banking services both through its own balance sheet as well as by acting as an intermediary for its partners’ products. The intermediated products include credit, investment and loan insurance products. The company is also engaged in mortgage banking operations.
Oma Savings Bank’s key customer groups are private customers, small and medium-sized companies as well as agricultural and forestry entrepreneurs. The company’s aim is to strengthen its market position in its respective area and among all the above-mentioned customer groups. However, growth is sought in business areas where growth can be achieved within the framework of the company’s business profitability and risk management objectives. Oma Savings Bank has been one of the most profitable and effective banks in Finland already for years, and the aim is to maintain this position in the future as well. The development of business volumes is based on organic growth, but the company is open to reorganisations in line with its strategy. The core idea of Oma Savings Bank is to provide personal service and to be local and close to its customers, both in digital and traditional channels. Oma Savings Bank strives to offer premium level customer experience through personal service and easy accessibility and offers its customers a full range of banking services.
The company pays special attention to cost efficiency as well as comprehensive risk management. The business profile is stable as the company focuses on retail banking in Finland. The company aims to keep individual customer and investment risk concentrations limited and organizational structure simple and transparent. The company has defined precise risk management processes, risk taking limits and guidelines to stay within the set limits. The company's personnel is committed and the aim is to support career development through versatile tasks and continuous development. A significant part of the personnel also own shares in the company.
Oma Savings Bank offers its customers a full range of banking services. The company serves its customers through its branch network as well as comprehensive digital service channels. Oma Savings Bank’s offering to private customers covers daily banking services, various financing solutions, saving services, financial services, insurance, as well as inheritance and family law matters. The range of services to corporate customers covers payment services and other business daily banking services, financial services, corporate pension insurance, investment services and legal and other advisory services. Oma Savings Bank has complemented its own service offering with services provided by partner companies.
The company’s financial services are complemented by partner products such as loan insurances and various guarantees. The company's partners in offering these financial products include Sp-Life Insurance Ltd, Axa Partners and insurance company Garantia. Oma Savings Bank operates as an independent issuer of Visa cards and finances the cards from its balance sheet
Fostering excellent customer experience
OmaSp strives to be a bank of satisfied customers that is local and close to its customers and offers the best service locally. As a bank, OmaSp is also a reliable banking partner for its customers, managing its customers’ and its own financial affairs diligently, persistently and reliably.