Commonly asked

When the business transaction is completed, your customership will be transferred to 1.9.2024. We will keep you informed about the transfer of your banking services and you will receive more information step by step.
We've sent customer bulletins at the beginning of 2024, where we provided more details measures related to the transfer of the customer relationship.
The monthly service fees for the services transferring from Handelsbanken will remain unchanged in connection with the transfer. If you require new services, we are happy to chart your additional service needs together with you. For possible new services and in-branch services, we will charge a fee based on the service price list.
Your deposits in Handelsbanken are currently covered by the Swedish deposit guarantee scheme. Deposits transferred to OmaSp after the completion of the transaction will be transferred to be reimbursed from the Finnish Deposit Guarantee Fund. In practice, the impact of the change is minimal. Deposit guarantees are very similar in Finland and Sweden.
Credit card agreements, securities brokerage and custody services, including book-entry accounts and currency accounts, will not be transferred to OmaSp.
You will find more information about these at Handelsbanken later.
Yes, you will. We will open new OmaSp branches with the current 45 branches in Kuopio, Vaasa and Vantaa and 30 banking experts move from Handelsbanken to OmaSp.
Accounts and deposits

Your accounts and deposits will remain unchanged and will be transferred to OmaSp in autumn 2024 automatically. We will annonce a more specific date in early 2024.
Yes, direct debits will transfer automatically.
Direct debits will transfer. If, for some reason, e-invoicing stops working, the invoicer will be notified and they will send the invoice by post. After that, you can make a new e-invoicing agreement.
E-invoice agreements will transfer automatically.
Direct debits coming in through e-invoices will transfer, but if you are using SEPA direct debits, you must inform the invoicer of the new account numbers/BIC information and authorise our bank to manage SEPA direct debits by contacting our bank. After these measures, SEPA direct debits will be automatically debited from the OmaSp account.
Euro payments from the European territory will automatically transfer to the new account for three months after the transfer. To avoid any delays, inform the payer of the new account number and BIC.
Direct debits from the European territory (SEPA direct debit) will not transfer automatically to the new account. See question “Will the direct debits linked to the account transfer automatically?”
After the customer relationship transfer, foreign payments, Finnish and European instant credit transfers will be returned to the payer if the account number in the payment is the old Handelsbanken’s account number.
The transfer of services from Handelsbanken will have no impact on existing services provided by OmaSp. However, it is advisable to book an appointment to go over the situation at the branch when it suits you.
Yes. Account terms and conditions will change in connection with the customer relationship transfer. You will receive the new terms and conditions in the spring.
Yes. You will be informed of the new account number in a letter to be sent later in the spring.
You will be informed of the new account number in spring 2024.
The deposit will transfer to OmaSp with the same terms and conditions.
Your ASP account will transfer to OmaSp as is.
The account’s interest rate conditions will remain the same in connection with the transfer.

Both Debit and Online Debit cards will be transferred to OmaSp. You will receive more information about the new cards well in advance of the transfer of the customer relationship.
Yes, during summer, we will send you a new OmaSp bank card to replace your existing card. For security reasons, the card and the card’s code will be sent separately. With the card, we will send you more detailed instructions on how to start using your OmaSp payment card.
As a general rule, your security limits will remain unchanged if you have already set them on your current Handelsbanken card. As a new security limit, you will have the possibility to allow or block gambling on your card. In connection with the merger, gambling is blocked, but you can make changes to your security limits to suit your needs in OmaMobiili, in the online bank’s browser version or by contacting your branch.
If you have not set separate security limits on your Handelsbanken card, the default security limits will be set on your card. For security reasons, these limits are moderate. After the merger, be sure to set your own security limits to suit your daily needs!
You can also update all your security limits on your smart device in OmaMobiili by selecting Finances > Cards > Select a card > Settings > Restrictions on use > Make changes > Confirm changes. Also check the geographic limits of your card.
If you wish, you can check and update your security limits in OmaSp’s online bank by selecting Accounts and cards > Cards > Select a card, if you have many cards > Security limits and geographic limits > Confirm any changes you have made.
You can also update the limits on your smart device in OmaMobiili by selecting Finances > Cards > Select a card > Settings > Restrictions on use > Make changes > Confirm changes. Also check the geographic limits of your card.
For security reasons, the card and the card’s code will be sent separately to the card holder’s address. With the card, we will send you instructions on how to start using the new card.
Your new card will be sent to your overseas home address if you have provided that address to the bank.
You will receive the new card during August, well before the customer relationship transfer.
You can block online purchases on your new OmaSp card by setting the card’s security limit for online purchases at EUR 0. Please bear in mind, however, that this will not always block all online purchases, so make sure your other security limits are also set to your preferences. You can edit your security limits in OmaMobiili or the online bank’s browser version in real time whenever necessary.
You will receive a new PIN code with your new OmaSp card, and the card’s number, validity and other information will be updated following the merger. Be sure to update your new card’s information in the streaming services you are using.
You will automatically receive a new PIN code and you cannot change it. You can conveniently check the PIN code in OmaMobiili if you forget the code.
You can conveniently check your new card’s PIN code in OmaMobiili: Finances > Cards > select the card in question > Settings > See PIN code
You can cancel your new OmaSp card by cancelling your card agreement at Handelsbanken before the customer relationship transfer or thereafter by contacting OmaSp’s customer service or branch.
If you wish, you can apply for a new OmaSp credit card after the customer relationship transfer conveniently in your online bank or by contacting our branch.
You will receive more information about applying for the card later.
The OmaSp credit card comes with a 180-day purchase security insurance as a free-of-charge additional feature for product purchases worth at least EUR 50, if the purchase was paid using the card’s credit feature. The insurance’s lump-sum compensation is the same as the maximum amount of annual compensation, EUR 2,500. Read more about purchase security insurance on our website!
Your new OmaSp card will work after the customer relationship transfer. We will send you a separate text message to let you know that you can use your new card.
Be sure to update your new card’s information in the paid apps and streaming services you are using (incl. audiobook services and TV). You can notify the service provider of the new card’s information or you can enter it in the app yourself after you have activated the card.
All OmaSp’s payment cards can be linked to Apple Pay, Google Pay and GarminPay apps. You can pay purchases conveniently on a mobile device in a store or online.
If your new OmaSp payment card is lost or stolen, call the card blocking service at the number 020 333 (+358 20 333 from abroad) as soon as possible.
As an OmaSp customer, you will confirm the online purchases you make on your card using your personal OmaSp banking codes.
Online banking and OmaMobiili

Yes. The online banking agreement will be transferred to OmaSp.
You will have access to OmaSp’s online bank and mobile services right after the migration. Your online banking codes will remain unchanged, unless you have been notified otherwise. When logging in to the online bank on a computer, you can find the login button on our home page at
By downloading the OmaMobiili and OmaVahvistus apps from your app store, you can take care of your banking matters easily by phone or tablet regardless of time and place. You can use the OmaVahvistus app to authenticate yourself, and it is an easy and safe way to confirm transactions. When activating the app, you will set your four-digit PIN code yourself.
Make sure you have your key code card, online banking user ID and and the additional text message confirmation. You will need them to open the OmaVahvistus app. Alternatively, you can activate the app using another bank’s online banking codes.
If you have forgotten your password, you can activate the service for unlocking locked online banking codes before the merger in the online bank’s browser version using an identification app.
Detailed instructions for activating the OmaVahvistus app:
More information about the OmaMobiili app:
Please make sure that you have activated the additional text message confirmation service in the online bank’s browser version when activating the OmaVahvistus app. You need the additional confirmation only when downloading the OmaVahvistus app for the first time or when re-downloading the app. If you do not have a smart phone, you need the additional text message confirmation service to confirm payments.
You can read more about the topic at
To ensure secure online banking, be sure to write the entire address of the bank’s website in the browser’s address field and go to the online bank only through our website or using the OmaMobiili app.
Your online banking codes will remain unchanged, unless you have been notified otherwise.
When logging in to the online bank on a computer, you can find the login button on our home page at
You can activate the mobile bank using the same codes. In addition to the OmaMobiili app, you will also need the OmaVahvistus app to use the online bank.
Detailed instructions for activating the OmaVahvistus app:
More information about the OmaMobiili app is available at
The invoice templates contained in the online bank will transfer automatically.
As an OmaSp customer, you will confirm the online purchases you make on your card using your personal OmaSp banking codes.
Loans and inclusive of collateral

The loans and their collateral are transferred to OmaSp.
Yes, Handelsbanken’s prime interest rate will apply to the loan.
The loans will transfer with the existing terms and conditions, including the reference rate.
Student loans will transfer with the existing terms and conditions.
Mortgages will transfer with the existing terms and conditions.
Consumer credits will transfer with the existing terms and conditions.
Yes, loans will transfer with the existing terms and conditions, including deferred amortisation.