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Frequently asked questions about loans

This page contains answers to common questions about loans.


Student loans are secure, state-guaranteed loans for financing studies. You do not need any other guarantors or collateral. You can apply for a state guarantee on your student loan from Kela when you apply for financial aid for students. Once you get a state guarantee, you can conveniently fill in a student loan application in your online bank or at our branch. You can also manage any other student loan-related matters through the online bank. The student loan is paid into your account on average three banking days after your loan application is approved.

It is a good idea to apply for a mortgage ahead of time, even if you haven’t yet chosen a new home. You can apply for a mortgage by sending us a contact request through our website or the online bank. You can also make an appointment for a mortgage negotiation at your nearest branch.

Before the meeting, you should figure out your basic finances, such as your monthly income and expenses. It is also a good idea to consider a collateral for the mortgage. If you wish, you can make a preliminary mortgage calculation using our website’s loan calculator. The negotiations to find a suitable mortgage package for you will take place at your branch. We will construct a suitable mortgage for you and determine the appropriate collateral. It is important to make sure that you will have enough money left over after paying your mortgage for other expenses. Read more about mortgages.

The loan collateral depends on what loan is being applied for. Usually, the loan collateral must be a flat, property or bank deposit. The home purchased with the mortgage is pledged as collateral for the loan. Other collateral that can be used are a state guarantee or Garantia’s mortgage guarantee. A third-party pledge, for example, your parents’ home, is suitable as loan collateral. In some cases, a personal guarantee is also possible.

All kinds of things can happen in life.If you’re struggling with your loan repayments, get in touch with us as soon as possible. Together we can find the solutions that work best for you. This may help you avoid additional interest and debt collection costs and prevent your credit record from being affected. 

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Among the factors determining the amount of the housing loan you are eligible for are your income, expenses and savings and for example the location of the home. When drawing down a loan, you should consider how big a monthly payment you could afford without it affecting your standard of living. After the housing and living expenses, you should be also able to put money aside.
